We've Moved!
The Eyes on VIs blog has moved! http://blog.eyesonvis.com
Please update your bookmarks and subscriptions!
Also note that, from what I understand of the discontinuation of FTP for Blogger, commenting on this old blog will no longer function after May 1, 2010. I apologize for the inconvenience. Hopefully this kind of disruption will not happen again, as the new Eyes on VIs blog site is a WordPress installation on my on web host.
Please update your bookmarks and subscriptions!
Also note that, from what I understand of the discontinuation of FTP for Blogger, commenting on this old blog will no longer function after May 1, 2010. I apologize for the inconvenience. Hopefully this kind of disruption will not happen again, as the new Eyes on VIs blog site is a WordPress installation on my on web host.