Monday, July 20, 2009

NIWeek 2009

Are you going to NIWeek 2009? The Conference program is on-line, so you can plan what sessions you want to see.

Closed Door Session

I'm not presenting any regular sessions this year, but I am holding a closed-door session to get feedback on a project that I'm working on. There are a few spots still available. The target audience is people who teach LabVIEW, either formally (teaching classes) or informally (mentoring colleagues).

If you are interested in participating, please e-mail me at my GMail account (eyesonvis at (Note: I will reply to every e-mail on this topic so that you know your e-mail wasn't blocked by the spam filter. If you don't receive a reply after a day, please leave a comment here to let me know).

  • It's Thursday, August 6, 10AM-Noon.
  • You would need to sign an NDA (non-disclosure agreement) if you are not already under one.
  • Spots are limited, so I apologize in advance if you want to attend but I can't get you in.

Where Else I'll Be

Other places you will probably find me during NIWeek:
  • I plan to visit the LabVIEW Experts Panel in the Technology Theater on Tuesday, Noon-1PM, to hear what "insight and advice" people seek from "NI engineers working on the latest version of LabVIEW" (seeing as how I am one of those).
  • I won't want to miss the Challenge the Champions event at the Technology Theater on Tuesday from 5PM-6PM.
  • I'm really looking forward to the LAVA/OpenG BBQ at Stubb's. Tickets are still available if you want to join in.
  • Of course, there are a LOT of sessions I want to see, but NI employees only get in if the rooms don't fill up, so I can't promise which ones I'll actually be at.
I hope to see you at NIWeek! As a "thank you" for my blog readers, I'll have a few hand-crafted "Eyes on VIs" buttons to give away. If you see me there, ask for one! :-)


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