"Clean up diagram" has changed the way I use LabVIEW.
After years of learning to keep my diagram tidy as I develop it, I now find that I can concentrate solely on functionality and click a button (or use the ctrl-U keyboard shortcut) whenever things get messy. LabVIEW rearranges everything: nodes, structures, wires, etc. I also use it right before I save my VI. It's fast. It's easy. It's really slick.
Of course, it's not a complete panacea. So far, I use it only on "leaf-level" subVIs because I often have design patterns in my higher level VIs that I want in a particular layout. For example, I like having my producer loop above my consumer loop and automatic cleanup sometimes flips them around.
My one complaint with the first release of this feature is that diagram items that don't participate in data flow get "pushed out" to the edge. That means free labels get pushed to the side instead of staying near the code they comment. This is another reason why I tend to use block diagram cleanup on smaller subVIs, because they're likely to have only a single comment for the whole diagram.
Here are the questions I anticipate many will ask about this feature:
Is it fast? A: Yes, I've been impressed with how quickly it cleans up diagrams.
Can I undo? A: Yes. If you don't like the results, you can undo the block diagram cleanup with one Ctrl-Z.
Can I tweak the parameters? A: Yes. Look in
Tools>>Options under
Block Diagram: Cleanup.
Can I clean up a portion of my diagram automatically? A: No. It operates on the entire diagram, not a selection.
I don't think any description of this feature can really do it justice. I encourage you to get a copy of LabVIEW 8.6 and try it out for yourself!
Labels: LabVIEW 8.6